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المقال الأصلى من الجارديان يوضح ان مبارك ثروته 70 مليار بوثائق ثابته للرد على كل من شكك

اذهب الى الأسفل

المقال الأصلى من الجارديان يوضح ان مبارك ثروته 70 مليار بوثائق ثابته للرد على كل من شكك Empty المقال الأصلى من الجارديان يوضح ان مبارك ثروته 70 مليار بوثائق ثابته للرد على كل من شكك

مُساهمة من طرف بنت بورسعيد الأحد 06 فبراير 2011, 10:38 am

Mubarak family fortune could reach $70bn, say experts

    المقال الأصلى من الجارديان يوضح ان مبارك ثروته 70 مليار بوثائق ثابته للرد على كل من شكك Gamal-and-Hosni-Mubarak-007

    Gamal and Hosni Mubarak are reported to have built
    up huge fortunes, including properties in London. Photograph: Cris
    Bouroncle/AFP/Getty Images

    President Hosni Mubarak's family fortune could be as much as $70bn (£43.5bn) according to analysis by Middle East
    experts, with much of his wealth in British and Swiss banks or tied up
    in real estate in London, New York, Los Angeles and along expensive
    tracts of the Red Sea coast.
    After 30 years as president and many
    more as a senior military official, Mubarak has had access to investment
    deals that have generated hundreds of millions of pounds in profits.
    Most of those gains have been taken offshore and deposited in secret
    bank accounts or invested in upmarket homes and hotels.
    to a report last year in the Arabic newspaper Al Khabar, Mubarak has
    properties in Manhattan and exclusive Beverly Hills addresses on Rodeo
    His sons, Gamal and Alaa, are also billionaires. A protest
    outside Gamal's ostentatious home at 28 Wilton Place in Belgravia,
    central London, highlighted the family's appetite for western trophy
    Amaney Jamal, a political science professor at Princeton
    University, said the estimate of $40bn-70bn was comparable with the vast
    wealth of leaders in other Gulf countries.
    "The business ventures
    from his military and government service accumulated to his personal
    wealth," she told ABC news. "There was a lot of corruption in this
    regime and stifling of public resources for personal gain.
    is the pattern of other Middle Eastern dictators so their wealth will
    not be taken during a transition. These leaders plan on this."
    Khabar said it understood the Mubaraks kept much of their wealth
    offshore in the Swiss bank UBS and the Bank of Scotland, part of Lloyds
    Banking Group, although this information could be at least 10 years old.
    There are only sketchy details of exactly where the Mubaraks have generated their wealth and its final destination.Christopher
    Davidson, professor of Middle East politics at Durham University, said
    Mubarak, his wife, Suzanne, and two sons were able to accumulate wealth
    through a number of business partnerships with foreign investors and
    companies, dating back to when he was in the military and in a position
    to benefit from corporate corruption.
    He said most Gulf states required foreigners give a local business partner a 51% stake in start-up ventures. In Egypt,
    the figure is commonly nearer 20%, but still gives politicians and
    close allies in the military a source of huge profits with no initial
    outlay and little risk.
    "Almost every project needs a sponsor and Mubarak was well-placed to take advantage of any deals on offer," he said."Much
    of his money is in Swiss bank accounts and London property. These are
    the favourites of Middle Eastern leaders and there is no reason to think
    Mubarak is any different. Gamal's Wilton Place home is likely to be the
    tip of the iceberg."
    Al Khabar named a series of major western
    companies that, partnered with the Mubarak family, generated an
    estimated $15m a year in profits.
    Aladdin Elaasar, author of The
    Last Pharaoh: Mubarak and the Uncertain Future of Egypt in the Obama
    Age, said the Mubaraks own several residences in Egypt, some inherited
    from previous presidents and the monarchy, and others the president has
    Hotels and land around the Sharm el-Sheikh tourist resort are also a source of Mubarak family wealth.

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عدد المساهمات : 608
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/11/2010

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